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So many times, when people approach me, they tell me they aren’t “musical.” While there’s an argument for DNA, as evidenced by the Bach family, many musicians sprang up out of what seems to be the desert. I’m one of those.

So, some of the preceding back story is for those of you who feel you aren’t “musical,” but there will be things more pointedly related to the study of piano and music, in general, as I go along.  There will also be a brief continuation of my personal music history…please try to stay awake.  🙂

Another reason for this blog is that, if you look at the “About” part of this website, you’ll see that I have a kind of creative, educational, and professional split personality.

When I was very young, I had a little dialog running in my head, “Am I a musician, or am I a writer?” I thought I had to dress the part, but I couldn’t figure out which costume to wear. Later, reality took over, and I had to make a living. There followed many years in public education, and I was assigned to positions depending on the needs of the district and the school.

Now, I’m retired from public education, so I have the time to pursue “my passion,” as some would put it.

I love giving piano lessons in a private setting, and I love reading and writing.
I’ve been having a wonderful time setting up this website and thinking about this blog. Since I don’t expect many people will read this at all, I feel the self-indulgence is fine: it keeps me busy, it gives me a writing focus, it lets interested parties know I want piano students, and it will be sort of educational.